Worthy Resources
Following are links to resources we love so much that we're either customers, authorized distributors or both. Email me if you want a personalized reference or introduction.
ATEL Communications - A PBX & hosted VoIP phone system vendor that supports customers nationwide I've worked with over 20 years. Andrew Cohen dial-tone, VoIP, SIP & internet. Steve Handelman hardware & equipment.
ATL RespOrg Services - If you have a toll free number that you want managed independently from your phone carrier. Aelea Christofferson owner.
Callture Tollfree - Cheap automated toll free setup.
FeedBlitz - Great email marketing software.
HostedNumbers - The best (only) place we've found to get great local vanity phone numbers.
PhoneTag - The best overall voice mail transcription service we've found.
RingCentral - Great business phone service for SOHS (small office/home office). We experimenting with them now as the provider for our main number 714-525-8100.
SnackTools - Nice apps for your website that don't require you to know much about apps. We've used their audio player for some time.
TollFreeNumbers - The best place I've found for enterprise vanity toll free numbers. Bill Quimby owner.
Typepad - Best website/blogging platform for business owners that want to edit their site themselves. I use it for this website.
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